Well, here it is. My partially complete Tile Editor for 16x16 mode 13h tiles. Take a look at it and tell me what you think! Here's a list of commands (as of Sept. 19th, 1994): KEYBOARD: (f)ill with current color (r)otate 90 degrees (v)flip (h)flip (z)_fill fills the tile with random colors +/- 4 colors from current color (l)oad tile, palette, map (s)ave tile, palette, map (space) draws a pixel at cursor (the small white box on the grid) (esc) quit (+ or -) change current color (< or >) change current tile (inversed on 7 tile display at bottom) (pg_up or pg_dn) change view of tiles at bottom (g)et color of tile at cursor location (p)alette rotation. alternately starts/stops it. MOUSE: BUTTON 1: clicking on grid draws a pixel clicking on colors selects one as current clicking on 7 tile display or map alternately picks up/drops a tile. if you place it on the map (by clicking with it picked up) it stores it on the map. if you place it on the 7 tile display, it copies it. BUTTON 2: clicking on grid selects that grid's color as current color clicking on 7 tile display or map selects that tile as current tile NOTE: this is not a map-maker. It just lets you see what the tiles look like when placed together. Now it saves the map you make. It calls it map8-8.dat. Hope it helps somebody! Included is the source, of course. MS QuickC 2.5. No comments for now...but when I get this sucker polished I'll put in tons of comments. Also included is the header files which have my assembly routines...making the entire package pretty big. Oh well! It's zipped! Email me at... crasmus@mailer.fsu.edu With comments and criticisms even! Take care, Chris Jesus is Lord and He's coming back SOON!